Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015


RAZ, heisst random acts of zentangle. manchmal hab ich lust ein geschenk und dankeschön an's universum zu kommunizieren, oder katapultieren:-) dann mache ich ein zentangle oder ZIA (=zentangle inspirierte kunst), klebe es an einen ort mit dem wunsch dass jemand es findet, sich darüber freut, und vielleicht auch irgendetwas irgendjemandem schenkt an diesem tag.dieses RAZ hier hab ich heute bei der fachhochschule nordwestschweiz gelassen. ich hatte dieses zendala für den weekly challenge (siehe voriger post) gezeichnet.

Weekly Challenge #202: "DuoTangle: Chebucto vs Copada"
This week's challenge is to create a DuoTangle, which is a tile using ONLY the two tangles given.  This week those two tangles are Chebucto and Copada.   This is the first time that the DuoTangle challenge has NOT been two official Zentangle tangles.  These tangles are by my fellow Saskatonian CZT - Margaret Bremner.  (you can find the step outs for these tangles in the links above)

i was happy about this challenge, patterns i would  probably not become aware of, without the challenge. thank you.
to see other entries click here and scroll.

i enjoyed to tangle this zendala, even though it was not my intention at all, that i end up with soooooooo endless many strokes.

Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015

Weekly Challenge #201: "Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day 2015"

artoo , one of the 2 boys of laura harms ( the diva who takes care of the weekly challenge), was born with the moebius syndrome. if you like to know more about it click here. and to see what other people contribute to this challenge iamthedivaczt.

last night i had a good tangeling-meditation.......some people are born  to be creative, some to be patient , some to be teachers........but if somebody has a serious physical problem, a great profession or a talent which makes you world-famous, .... allways remember:we don't know where we come from, we don't know where we are going to (at least most of us don't)  just be patient and with love, and i would say: don't identify yourself with your problems.

Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2015

Weekly Challenge #200: "Bi-Zen-Tennial Celebration!"

Two hundred  is quite a "festiva"
Can anyone hardly believe a. . .
Goddess named Laura
Zentangled an aura
All around us. . . ."Viva la Diva!"
Our Best Good Wishes to Everytangler's Angel
The Great Laura Harms
Rick and Maria
This week's Challenge is to use your Mac'N'Cheese tangle in a Monotangle.  Or, in other words: create a tile using ONLY your go to, or favourite tangle.  And let's take advantage of the WHOLE tile! No borders! Let's extend from end to end, and fill our tiles BURSTING with Tangly JOY! And finally - put the number 200 (big or small) somewhere on your tile.    


click here to see what others created for challeng #200

Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

Weekly Challenge #199: "UMT: Hitch by HeidiSue"

this week's UMT comes to us from HeidiDue and her blog: TanlgeOoh! You can find the step outs for her tangle HERE

i'm so happy that laura brings out and takes care of this challenge. my brain is so busy with deciding know a "TO-DO-LIST" with about 100  (small and bigger) things i like to do....there is nothing we HAVE to do. sometimes i feel like i have to clean, but i do it because i see the "i like to live in a clean place", or i have to call somebody to get an answer. i only have to do things, because it gonna benefit my life,or i want it to benefit somebody elses. there is never only one option, if i'm not fixed on only one this morning i made the tile for the challenge #199, i had to, because i needed a meditation, which i get when i tangle..... i had to, because i knew it gonna benefit me and my day when my thoughts become more easy.....and that made the day for everybody around me more nice.


i  tangled on a renaissance-tile:
brown pigma pen 01, black pigma pen 01, white charcoal pencil, normal pencil, brown, orange and green colourpencil and glitter-gelly roll

to all of my blogvisitors
i wish nice things happen to you, in the year
love and miracles

Freitag, 2. Januar 2015

zuerst mal alles gute für's neue jahr. kleine und grosse wunder, für dich, mich, uns.

die muster für diesen  monat sind: ARUKAS by molly hollibaugh
                                                        BALLOYA by anya lothrop
 bei meiner eingabe ist noch eine variation von TAMI (by hanny waldburger) dabei.=  eigentlich der stern von arukas, weswegen ihr ARUKAS vielleicht nicht auf den ersten blick erkennt.

ich poste hier noch ein ZIA (zentangle inspirierte kunst), ich habe diese karte für einen neujahrskartentausch (unter zentangle-lehrerinnen) gezeichnet, hier ist ARUKAS mit DIVADANCE kombiniert, und im hintergrund eines meiner muster: ALABASTRO.

wenn du dir die anderen werke für diese challenge ansehen möchtest, click hier